Richmond and Kingston
ME Group
Richmond and Kingston
ME Group
Richmond and Kingston
ME Group
Richmond and Kingston
ME Group
Richmond & Kingston
ME Group
Online AGM
Cure ME guest speaker!
Sat 22nd Feb 2pm
Caring for Someone with ME
Anything in our library can be borrowed by members free of charge.
To borrow any item below just submit a library request

Caring for the ME patient
Jodi Bassett (2011)
Essential information for anyone who knows, loves or cares for someone with ME
Caring for someone with ME
Action for ME (2013)
Available online, or we can print & send you this 24 page booklet

Pulling Through
Catherine Jessop (2021)
Not about ME, but all about the author's experience of caring for her suddenly dependent and hospitalised husband. Includes a wide range of information and useful suggestions for anyone in a similar situation.
A review of this book by one of our members featured in a recent newsletter. Take a look
Other sources of information
Richmond Carers’ Network
Resources for carers in Richmond
email: tel: 020 8867 2380
Kingston Carers’ Network
Resources for carers in Kingston
e-mail: tel: 020 3031 2757