Richmond and Kingston
ME Group
Richmond and Kingston
ME Group
Richmond and Kingston
ME Group
Richmond and Kingston
ME Group
Richmond & Kingston
ME Group
Below are carefully selected resources, links to articles by doctors, other professionals and people with ME about their research into M.E., or their experience of living with the condition.
You can also take a look at our library All items are free for members to borrow
Managing M.E.
For Professionals
Experiences of M.E.
Awareness Training
Richmond and Kingston ME Group can provide one hour of training in ME Awareness specifically for your organisation, based on our personal experience of living with this long term, severe condition.
We have held sessions with voluntary organisations, health and social services, care agencies and education staff. Do get in touch with us if your organisation has people with ME (or their families) amongst your clients.
We would be happy to arrange a session with you at no cost.
Please contact us at or 07984 860 309 (answerphone).