Richmond and Kingston
ME Group
Richmond and Kingston
ME Group
Richmond and Kingston
ME Group
Richmond and Kingston
ME Group
Richmond & Kingston
ME Group
For Teachers and School Nurses
The following links contain valuable information to assist children and young adults with ME/CFS.
We produced this material after discussions with members of staff in secondary schools. However, we consider the management of ME/CFS for children of primary school age to be quite similar to that for young adults and therefore this pack should serve to assist primary school staff members as well.
Richmond and Kingston ME Group’s awareness presentation (for secondary school pupils).
Richmond and Kingston ME Group’s awareness booklet.
‘Quick Tour of ME Symptoms, Management and Trust Services’ — leaflet from Tymes Trust. Jane Colby is the executive director of The Young ME Sufferers Trust. She used to be a Head Teacher and has plenty of experience with young adults with ME, and as such is the best person to contact for more specialised and detailed advice.
‘Ten Points on the Education of Children with ME’ — leaflet from Tymes Trust.
‘The SENCOs Key Role in Supporting Pupils with CFS/ME’ — leaflet from Tymes Trust.
‘Exam Concessions’ — leaflet from AYME (Association of Young Adults with ME).
Richmond and Kingston ME Group’s useful resources list on ME and CFS for Schools.
Richmond and Kingston ME Group’s leaflet ‘Tips for Secondary Schools’.
Richmond and Kingston ME Group’s leaflet ‘Tips on Pacing’.
We recommend your SENCO gets involved with pupils affected by this condition. ME/CFS can be extremely disabling and completely devastating in many cases and therefore they need to be handled with as much care and support as possible. The SENCO can suggest parents to obtain support from their local boroughs through the Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) as well as liaising with any external agencies related to the pupils’ disabilities.
We hope these materials will give you a solid foundation to successfully deal with any student with ME/CFS battling to meet their educational needs. Our contact number is 07984 860 309 and our email address is in case you wish to be in touch with us.