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Past Events 

May 12th 2024

ME Awareness Day 
online meet-up


ME awareness screenshot 2024.png
Online AGM 2023

October 2023 

21 members attended our online AGM 
Despite having enrolled our first international member - in Australia no less! - we decided against renaming ourselves The Kingston & Richmond International ME Group ...

... although we felt The KRIME Group would be an excellent name!

ME Awareness Day 2023

Going Blue for ME Awareness Day - May 12th 2023

R&K members at Sutton Hospital's ME Awareness Day
Sutton Hospital's excellent cakes

Some of us met up at
Sutton Hospital's 
ME Awareness Day
- an interesting and social occasion ...

... with excellent cakes!

May 2023

Our 250th Online Meeting - Feb 2023

Celebrating our 250th online meeting
- and sharing what they mean to us.

Feb 2023

Parliament Square - Millions Missing Oct 2022

Those of us who couldn't get to Parliament Square joined in on Zoom.
Our red ribbons demonstrate that
we are all connected.

Millions Missing - October 2022

MillionsMissing Oct 2022

R&K members at Millions Missing Oct 2022
R&K members at Millions Missing Oct 2022
Going Blue for ME Awareness Day 2022

May 12th 2022
Some of us went blue for
ME Awareness Day!

Online member get-together
Cafe meet-up Feb 2023

January 2024            Cafe Get-Togethers         February 2023

March 2022

Cafe meet-up - March 2022
Cafe meet-up - Jan 2024
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