Richmond and Kingston
ME Group
Richmond and Kingston
ME Group
Richmond and Kingston
ME Group
Richmond and Kingston
ME Group
Richmond & Kingston
ME Group
Online AGM
Cure ME guest speaker!
Sat 22nd Feb 2pm
If you are thinking of applying for benefits, firstly you need to figure out which benefits you need to apply for. This can feel daunting, but it can be done easily by accessing one of the online benefit checkers listed here​​​
Contact the DWP online, or by phone to request a paper application form. It's important to keep a record of all your contacts with the DWP. Record the date that you phoned or went online to apply and keep track of deadlines and extensions.
It is really useful to know what the DWP will assess you on and to update your GP or specialist, if you have one, on how your illnesses affects your mobility and activities of daily living and/or your ability to work and, for means tested benefits such as UC or PC, your household finances etc.
If you are on Facebook we strongly suggest you join the UK M.E. & Chronic Illness Benefits Advice Group which is run by a very knowledgeable and helpful admin team.
If you subsequently have any questions, please contact Heather at, who can also send more complex, or specific queries on your behalf to Ken Butler, the benefits advisor from Disability Rights UK.
Keeping meticulous records might seem like hard work, but it will save a lot of hassle in the long run. Some of our members use their mobile phone to set reminders with the alarm clock and record information on the calendar. Using a specific symbol to represent dealings with benefits makes it easy to search for everything related to it. Alternatively if you prefer, use a physical notebook or folder to keep track of everything.
If you are in times of such hardship that you do not have enough money to eat, PLEASE contact your nearest CAB (Citizens Advice Bureau) as soon as possible, if not immediately.
This should happen first and foremost, and above all else.