Richmond and Kingston
ME Group
Richmond and Kingston
ME Group
Richmond and Kingston
ME Group
Richmond and Kingston
ME Group
Richmond & Kingston
ME Group
Severe M.E./CFS - A Guide to Living
Emily Collingridge, ‘Severe ME/CFS: A Guide To Living’, published by the Association of Young People with ME.
‘Severe ME/CFS: A Guide to Living’ is the first definitive reference book written specifically to help those who are predominantly bedridden and in need of considerable care.
Emily Collingridge, a former AYME member, had severe ME/CFS, and worked in consultation with AYME, over 30 patients, carers, friends, relatives and health professionals to produce a book which addresses almost every conceivable area of life with severe ME and offers specific help for carers, partners, siblings, parents, grandparents, friends, doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, dieticians, speech language therapists, psychologists, social workers and home tutors. Sadly, Emily died in March 2012 at the age of 30.
You can order a copy by clicking on the button below.