Richmond and Kingston
ME Group
Richmond and Kingston
ME Group
Richmond and Kingston
ME Group
Richmond and Kingston
ME Group
Richmond & Kingston
ME Group
Online AGM
Cure ME guest speaker!
Sat 22nd Feb 2pm
Audiobooks, Books, Reading
Free Online Library
The Libraries Consortium gives you free access to many thousands of audiobooks, books to read, and newspapers/magazines.
If you already belong to a Library, log in with the name of your borough, your Library number (on your Library card) and PIN, to get access.
If not, you can join most Libraries from home
If you download the Libby app, you can access library audiobooks, books, magazines and newspapers on your phone or tablet. (You can also make them available to read on a Kindle, but you would need to convert the epub file to Mobi)

Calibre Audio Books - Free for Us
Those of us who find reading hard due to our symptoms can now hear books for free through Calibre Audio, as they recognise ME as a disabling condition. This organisation was established in 1974 with the idea of helping people who were unable to see, read, manipulate or comprehend printed texts. They currently have a collection of over 13,000 books and send out 1,700 audiobooks every day.

Audiobooks to you
Listening Books provides a cheap postal and internet based audiobook service to over 100,000 UK residents who have a disability or illness that impacts their ability to read the printed word.
Our Group Library
Browse our own library - all items are free for members to borrow.