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National ME Organisations

(including those campaigning for funding for biomedical research).

ME Association logo

The ME Association

The ME Association is a medical charity that:


- Offers a phone service: ME Connect “to support PWME and their carers make informed choices”.  Call 0344 576 5326 (service available 365 days a year: 1000-1200, 1400-1600, 1900-210



- Publishes over 90 leaflets covering many aspects of living with ME including:  

  • Guides on benefits, insurance, blue badge scheme

  • How to get social care services, advice on caring for PWME and pacing

  • Children and young people, Severe ME, Education and employment

  • Medical management and mental health

  • General info (e.g. dental care, diagnosis, dealing with doctors, disability rating scale, explaining ME to others, specialist services)

All these can be obtained from the ME Association Shop - some are free, some require a small fee (often £1). 

Action for ME logo

Action for ME

Action for ME is the UK’s leading charity dedicated to improving the lives of people with ME. They have been at the forefront of the campaign for more research, better treatments and services since 1987, and they provide information and support to people affected by ME.

Welfare Rights line: 0845 122 8648 (Monday to Thursday, various times) 

General enquiries: 0845 123 2380, 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday

25% ME Group logo

Approximately 200,000 people in the UK suffer from ME. Some do recover.However, approximately 25 per cent of sufferers remain long-term ill and severely disabled by it. Many are left isolated, housebound or even bedbound. ME affects people from all walks of life, all age groups and can strike when you are least expecting it. The 25% ME Group exists to support all who have the severe form of ME — including the housebound, bed-bound and wheelchair users — and their carers.

Telephone: 01292 318611

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